Minh & Jim Family Portraits
December 03, 2011
Sammamish, WA
Random Thought: What a coincidence to shoot two family's with Minh as a parent in them in the same weekend...
Anyhow, it's always sweet to see a family with great kids and parents that have good control on things.
The Holman's live in Sammamish, far enough out that bears come close enough to poop on their yard. It may make a for a great photo opp, but bit too frightening for me.
Today's mission was to take photos of the new addition to the Holman's. Quinn is half Vietnamese and Caucasian. She has these brilliantly blue eyes which is rare in a lot of mixed races kids I've seen since the dark brown eye color is so much more dominant. It was pretty amazing.

Play Time:
Some sword fighting?

Video Games?

Window Light

Baby Quinn

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