Eastern WA
Chateau Rive & Gonzaga
I typically work about 60-70 hrs a week, I did have a 92hr week once, and I'm trying to avoid those types weeks, it is extremely hard on my health. Add a newborn into the mix and I get to compound the long hrs now with only a few hrs of sleep. So you have to understand my excitement when I sit here and type about my last wedding and arguable my most exciting wedding of 2013.
Jon and Jessica now live the Seattle area but they have their roots in Eastern Wa and Boise Idaho. As such, the wedding was at Gonzaga University's church and the reception at in Spokane WA. I get incredibly excited at going to new venues. I'm like a kid in a candy store when the reception venue was as awesome as the Chateau Rive. If it was up to me I would probably ask for 5hrs of time just to do some creative shots around the venue.
I flew in the morning from Seattle and was given the royal treatment with a fantastic room at the Lusso hotel. This was just the start of a very well planned and incredible wedding. I love it when everything goes according to plan. We were sometimes literally 3 minutes off of what was scheduled at times. Which is unheard of. Most of the time weddings run 30-45 minutes late.
The families were awesome and super hospitable. These two have some great folks surrounding them. Everyone I met that day were a joy to be around.
I also had the opportunity to shoot a couple rolls Fuji Portra 400H film on my new Contax 645 Medium format camera. I'm excited to see the results of these once they come back from Richard Photo Lab in Los Angeles.

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