Kabuta Gardens
Renton, WA
July 28th, 2011
Assist Mai Vi
Mastering how to use the sun's rays to your advantage can create some very cool affects. There's a ton of products out there like B+W that develop products to reduce sun glare in your photos. WHY? Sun flare can be your friend. Don't treat it like an unwanted step child. Bring it into your home and nurture it. Some day it may grow up to be a pro athlete that will pay you back big time. Sun flare is usually caused by doing backlit photos. Try to under expose the photo and always shoot in raw to recover the image.
So I digress. Back to the beautiful couple of Dien and Eriko. They are getting married Sept 10th 2011 of this year in Bellevue. It's a marriage of Vietnamese and Japanese which should make "Vapanese" kids...?
I'm a huge fan of traditional outfits so what a treat this was to shoot them in the traditional Ao Dai and Kimono dress. I've been frequenting kabuta lately but it only seemed fitting considering their outfits.
Hope you enjoy!

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